[mysqld] # The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is # created and no character set is defined default-character-set=latin1 # The default storage engine that will be used when create new tables when default-storage-engine=INNODB # Set the SQL mode to strict #sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" sql-mode="NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" # Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them # without actual executing the same query once again. Having the query # cache enabled may result in significant speed improvements, if your # have a lot of identical queries and rarely changing tables. See the # "Qcache_lowmem_prunes" status variable to check if the current value # is high enough for your load. # Note: In case your tables change very often or if your queries are # textually different every time, the query cache may result in a # slowdown instead of a performance improvement. query_cache_size=64M query_cache_type=2 #Don't cache results that are bigger than this. query_cache_limit=10k #Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no write privileges to the mysql.user table. safe-user-create #The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it. interactive_timeout=43200 #The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a connection before closing it wait_timeout=43200 #Max packetlength to send/receive from to server. max_allowed_packet=4M